Hamburg is the Gate to the World
This sentence might sound strange but it is absolutely true!!
Hamburg offers everything a person needs to feel at home: It unites world city and country life, any kind of commercial and free culture, has a harbour and a city-airport, is known as an important media and advertising location, has an extremely varied nightlife. Hamburg has most bridges in the world (even more than Venice!), Europe’s largest park cemetery, is Germany’s musical capital and is seen as one of the greenest cities and beside all this it is the third biggest German city.
If all this is not enough in order to classify a city as a beautiful and varied empire, I don’t know what facts could do this. I definitely cannot imagine that I get offered all these things by another German city.
The only competitive city I know is London. You could name Hamburg as „Little London“, for both cities have many things in common.
On the next pages, I will provide you with a few of my Hamburg impressions in order to convince even the last sceptical person that Hamburg is brilliant!
Hamburg offers a lot. Apart of classics like the port, Alster and the red-light-district called Kiez my home town offers a lot more…
My favourite places
- Alstertal
- my gardens
- further recommendations